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Echocardiography available now and bulk-billed at Territory X-Ray Services

Date: Friday, February 05, 2021

If you have a referral for an echocardiogram in Darwin, you can book now at

More information can be located at

Territory X-ray is offering daily Echocardiography Services with low wait times.

We accept patients from 16 years of age and above.

Patients will be Bulk-Billed providing the referral form meets the Medicare guidelines and appropriate clinical indications are given.

The Echocardiography service is overseen by Dr Suranga Weerasooriya (MBBS, MSc FRACP FAANMS FCMR) who is a dual-trained Cardiologist and Nuclear Medicine Physician.

If you have any questions regarding this service, please do not hesitate to contact reception 1300 NT XRAY (1300 689 729) or by emailing .